CX file explorer FAQ

CX File Explorer APK download

Do you have an Android 5.0 and up device? Then, you can download CX File Explorer for Android for free from the Google Play Store. You can also get cx file explorer APK from trusted APK providers like apkpure. Click HERE to download the cx file explorer apkpure apk. Additionally, you can download the cx file explorer mod apk if you want your app with the dark mode feature. Visit HERE to download the CX file explorer apk mod. Follow the below steps to install the app. First, download the CX File Explorer APK from a trusted source. Turn on 'Unknown Sources' in your device's security settings. If the APK is in a CX File Explorer zip folder, unzip it using a file manager app. Look for the APK file and tap on it to install.

Who makes CX File Explorer?

'CX File Explorer' was made by a developer with the same name.

Is CX File Explorer Chinese?

There is no clear information about the origin of CX File Explorer. Yes, CX File Explorer is a mobile file management application that was developed by a Chinese company called "AlphaInventor, Inc.

Is CX File Explorer safe?

CX File Explorer is a safe app to use. Data Safety: CX File Explorer primarily manages local files and folders on your device, and it should not directly compromise data safety. Exercise caution when performing file operations to avoid accidental data loss. No Data Shared with Third Parties: Check the app's privacy policy to ensure that it explicitly states that user data, including personal files, are not shared with third parties without user consent. Data Collected: CX File Explorer may collect data related to app usage, crashes, and performance for functional purposes. Security Practices: CX File Explorer should offer security features like password or PIN protection for folders to enhance file security. Keep the app updated to receive security patches and improvements. Carefully manage app permissions, granting only those necessary for its intended function.

How to use CX File Explorer?

If you're looking to use CX File Explorer, all you need to do is download and install the app from the Google Play Store or a trusted APK source. Once you've got it installed, open the app to browse your files. You can use the search function to find specific files and the various tabs to access files on your cloud storage, NAS, or other devices on your network.

Can CX File Explorer connect devices?

Yes, CX File Explorer can connect to other devices on the same network. It supports SMB, FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, and LAN protocols.

How to connect CX File Explorer?

To connect CX File Explorer to another device, you must ensure both are on the same network. Then, open CX File Explorer and tap the "Network" tab. From there, you can choose the protocol you want to use to connect to the other device and enter the required information.

How do I select all files in CX Explorer?

You can long press on a file to enable multi-selection mode, then select all files.

How to retrieve a video deleted with CX File Explorer?

If you have deleted a video using CX File Explorer, you can try to retrieve it from the recycle bin. CX File Explorer has a recycle bin feature that keeps deleted files for a certain period. To access the recycle bin, open CX File Explorer and tap on the "Recycle Bin" tab. From there, you can select the video you want to retrieve and tap on the "Restore" button.